Research Projects

Total Records:1282

No. Title Author Publication
241 White Paper on Small and Medium Enterprises in Taiwan (2015) Wei, Tsung-che 2015.11
242 White Paper on Small and Medium Enterprises in Taiwan (2015) Wei, Tsung-che 2015.11
243 The opportunities and challenges for Taiwan's financial industry from Mainland China One Road, One Belt and AIIB Chung-Shu Wu 2015.11
244 An Ex Ante Evaluation of the Development of Mobile Broadband Applications and Strategic Technologies from Economic and Social Innovation Perspective Shin-Horng Chen 2015.11
245 White Paper on Small and Medium Enterprises in Taiwan (2015) Wei, Tsung-che 2015.11
246 The Evaluation Project on Potential Impacts of Developing International Health Industry Jiann-chyuan Wang 2015.10
247 Direction of industrial, forward planning and development plans in Beitou-Shilin Technology Park Yung-Jaan Lee 2015.10
248 A Strategies Analysis of International Trade Negotiations and Cultural Exception Shin-Tsyr Jing 2015.09
249 Direction of industrial, forward planning and development plans in Beitou-Shilin Technology Park Yung-Jaan Lee 2015.09
250 Carrying Capacity Analysis and Adaptation Strategic Planning in Taiwan Yung-Jaan Lee 2015.08
251 Analysis and Implications of the International Labor Market Indicators: Case Study for ILO and OECD Su-Ling Peng 2015.06
252 The estimates of supply and demand capacity on visitors to Taiwan and tourist reception facilities Wen-Jung Lien 2015.05
253 A project of Evaluation of the cost reduction and economic impact of industrial GHGs Liou, Je-Liang 2015.05
254 The Analysis of Adaptation Decision-making and Risk Management at Taiwan Power Company under Climate Change Risk and Uncertainty King Min Wang 2015.04
255 A Study of Strategies for Taiwan’s Public Diplomacy and National Branding Chang-chen Yeh 2015.02