The Economic Law Research Center
Guiding principles
In recent years, the Taiwanese government has been working actively to promote economic liberalization and regional economic integration, and to bring Taiwan's economic legal and regulatory framework in line with international norms. The analysis of potential areas for legal and regulatory revision and adjustment is becoming ever more important. Research on related policy is vital to build the economic legal and regulatory environment needed to strengthen Taiwan's national competitiveness.
As Taiwan's leading economic policy think-tank, CIER has built up significant research capabilities in the area of economic law. CIER's research teams have participated frequently in projects relating to economic legal and regulatory reform and related policy analysis, and have achieved impressive results.
In order to enable CIER's researchers to continue leveraging their specialist expertise, and to further strengthen CIER's capabilities in the area of economic law research, in 2015 CIER established the Economic Law Research Center to coordinate CIER's expertise in related research fields, and maximize the benefits of human resources integration.
Research focus and objectives
(1) Research on Taiwan's economic and trade policy and legal and regulatory needs.
(2) Evaluation of the impact of Taiwan's involvement in foreign trade negotiations and related legal and regulatory adjustment planning.
(3) Comparative analysis of international developments in the field of economic and trade law.
(4) Analysis of the relationship between investment policy, barriers to investment, and the legal and regulatory environment.
(5) Research on the operation of international trade organizations and systems.
(1) 法規影響評估制度的落實:研究臺灣法規影響評估制度的推動方針,並進行成本效益分析,參考國際經驗如美國案例,以提升法規制定的效率與公平性。
(2) 國際智慧醫療法規監管合作:分析國際間在智慧醫療領域的法規監管合作趨勢,探討相關合作機制與法規調整的方向。
(3) 醫療公衛領域與新南向國家的產業連結:研究臺灣醫療公衛領域與新南向國家的產業連結策略,探討法規協合與合作機會。
(4) 電子商務對消費安全的影響:研究電子商務發展如何影響臺灣的消費安全,並探討因應的法制調整需求。
(5) 國際政治經貿情勢的評論與策略:持續評論和分析國際政治與經貿情勢的變化,並研擬相關的因應策略。
Name | Position | Education | Research Field |
Chen, Shin-Horng |
Ph.D. University of Newcastle, U.K. | Technology Management Economics of Information & Communications Technologies |
Wang, Yu-Shung |
Master of Law, Soochow University | International Trade Law |
Liu, Da-Nien |
Ph.D. in Economics, Cornell University, U.S.A. | International Trade & Investment Industrial Economics |
Lee, Roy Chun |
PhD in Public Policy, Australian National University, Australia | Trade in Services Regional integration Communications Convergence Regulatory and Competition Policy |
Yen, Huai-Shing |
S.J.D, University of Wisconsin-Madison, U.S.A | International Trade Law International Taxation Trade Remedy System International Investment Law |
Cheng, Yun-Hsing |
Master of Law, Soochow University | International Trade Law International Investment Law |
姓名 | 職稱 | 最高學歷 | 研究領域 |
陳孟君 | 顧問 | 東吳大學法律學系博士 | 國際經貿法 |
黃禾田 | 計畫輔佐研究員 | 臺灣大學政治系碩士 | 數位匯流政策、經濟安全、經貿法制、國際政治經濟 |
林卓元 | 計畫輔佐研究員 | 臺灣大學社會學系碩士 | 國際關係、國際組織、國際政治經濟 |
蔡晴雯 | 計畫輔佐研究員 | 中興大學國際政治研究所碩士 | 國際關係、國際組織、國際政治經濟 |