Research Projects

Total Records:1282

No. Title Author Publication
61 The estimation of product and Employment of sport industry in 2017 &2018 Lien, Wen-Jung 2019.12
62 Platform Thinking and Strategy for Promoting Extended EEE Producer Responsibility Wen, Lih-Chyi 2019.12
63 Labor Data analysis and questionnaire survey in Machinery Manufacturing Chien, Yu-Ning 2019.12
64 An Analysis of International Information of Energy Service Company (ESCO) Industry Yeh, Chang-Chen 2019.11
65 Innovative Growth Partnership: Taiwan and New Southbound Countries Chen, Shin-Horng 2019.10
66 The Study of T/D Regulations and Contracts for Power Wheeling Wang, Kimmie 2019.06
67 The Impacts of "Made in China 2025" on Taiwan's Industrial Development Wen, Fang-I 2019.05
68 Analysis of the Adjustment Mechanism About the Gas station Operating Expenses Liang, Chi-Yuan 2019.05
69 The Positioning of Coal-fired Power Plant during Energy Transformation and The Effect of CO2 Emission Jheng, Ruei-He 2019.03
70 Research on the Impact of New Economic Models and the Development of New Technologies on Taiwan's Labor Market with the Strategies of Addressing the Impact Lin, Chun-Pu 2019.01
71 2018 White Paper on Small and Medium Enterprises in Taiwan Wang, Jiann-Chyuan 2018.12
72 Deepen Cooperation with Think Tanks to Strengthen International Links Tsai, Hui-Mei 2018.12
73 Promoting the investment in Taiwan from the overseas Taiwanese businesses (2018) Liu Meng-Chun 2018.12
74 2018 Establishing Societal Economic Benefit Evaluation and Decision System for Climate Service Innovations for Agriculture and Fishery Wu, Chung-Shu 2018.12
75 Special commercialization plannings for Taiwan energy storage technology: Part 2 Chih-Yen Tai 2018.12