優良學術著作 - 甲等

年度 姓名 論文名稱 期刊名稱 作者
109 劉哲良 Using Internet Surveys to Estimate Visitors’ Willingness to Pay for Coral Reef Conservation in the Kenting National Park, Taiwan Water. 11(7), 1411. DOI: 10.3390/w11071411 Nathaniel Maynard ,  Pierre-Alexandre Château and Lauriane Ribas-Deulofeu and Je-Liang Liou(劉哲良)
109 劉哲良 空間特徵分量Durbin模型之建構—桃園市都市計劃區多元開放空間組合效益之檢視 都市與計劃,46(4),297-341。 蔡孟珂,吳珮瑛,劉哲良
108 李永展 Ecological footprint ad water footprint of Taipei Sustainability, 11(20),5714.DOI:10.3390/su11205714 Yung-Jaan Lee(李永展)
108 李永展 Vulnerability and ecological footprint: a comparison between urban Taipei and rural Yunlin,Taiwan Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 27(28), 34624-34637.DOI: 10.1007/s11356-019-05251-6 Yung-Jaan Lee(李永展) and Shih-Ying Lin
108 林俊旭、溫麗琪 Determining Environmental Costs: A Challenge in A Governmental E-Waste Recycling Scheme Sustainability, 11(19), 5156.DOI: 10.3390/su11195156 Chii-pwu Cheng ,  Chun-hsu Lin(林俊旭) and Lih-chyi Wen(溫麗琪) and Tien-chin Chang
108 林桓億、劉哲良 Economic Valuation of Public Meteorological Information Services -A Case Study of Agricultural Producers in Taiwan Atmosphere,10(12),753.DOI: 10.3390/atmos10120753 Hen-I Lin(林桓億) ,  Je-Liang Liou(劉哲良) and and Shu-Han Hsu
108 溫蓓章 How the New Type of Entrepreneurship Education Complements the Traditional One in Developing Entrepreneurial Competencies and Intention. Frontiers in Psychology,13.DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02048 Shu-Mei Wang ,  Hsiu-Ping Yueh and and Pei-Chang Wen(溫麗琪)
108 劉哲良 Using Internet Surveys to Estimate Visitors’ Willingness to Pay for Coral Reef Conservation in the Kenting National Park, Taiwan Water, 11(7), 1411.DOI: 10.3390/w11071411 Nathaniel Maynard ,  Pierre-Alexandre Château,  Lauriane Ribas-Deulofeu and and Je-Liang Liou(劉哲良)
108 劉哲良 空間特徵分量Durbin模型之建構—桃園市都市計劃區多元開放空間組合效益之檢視 都市與計劃,46(4),297-341。 蔡孟珂、吳珮瑛、劉哲良
107 吳佳勳 中國的新型全球化模式與路徑探討 中國大陸研究,61(4),1-29。 吳佳勳