
「2019年經濟自由度報告-深化臺美經貿關係暨臺灣加入區域經濟整合」研討會 2019 Index of Economic Freedom: Deepening R.O.C.(Taiwan)-U. S. Economic Relations and Taiwan’s Participation in Regional Economic Integration


  本研討會重點將由「傳統基金會」(The Heritage Foundation)針對2019年經濟自由度排名發表報告,自1995年起,該基金會與「華爾街日報」共同編撰「經濟自由度報告」(Index of Economic Freedom),依據「法治」(rule of law)、「政府管制」(government size)、「監管效能」(regulatory efficiency)、「開放市場」(open markets)等4項範疇評估全球經濟體的自由程度,係國際上定期且具公信力之經濟自由度評價指標;除其他面向外,該報告特別彰顯貿易之重要性及如何促進自由貿易,不同國家之經濟自由度之排名清楚顯示自由貿易與改善生活之關聯性。




  The main theme of the Symposium is the release of the 2019 Index of Economic Freedom produced by The Heritage Foundation, a Washington based influential think tank. The Index is published annually and it tracks levels of economic freedom around the world. First launched in 1995, the Index now covers 4 aspects of economic openness: the rule of law, government size, regulatory efficiency, and open markets. Along with other important aspects, the Index highlights why trade is important to people around the world and provides options for advancing free trade. The rankings of the countries have shown a correlation between trade freedom and improved lives.

  The Taiwanese government has long been dedicating itself to economic liberalization, by focusing on economic relationships with the US and key countries in the Indo-Pacific region. This year marks the 40th anniversary of the enactment of the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA). In recent years, the Taiwan-US relations have made continued progress, as shown in the passing of Taiwan Travel Act last year and Asia Reassurance Initiative Act (ARIA) last month. Thus, the Symposium also offers a panel discussion on the deepening of the trade and investment relationship between Taiwan and the US, as well as Taiwan’s participation in regional economic integration in hopes of increasing the public understanding of the latest developments on the above mentioned issues.


時  間:2019年1月31日(四) 14:00-16:20
地  點:中華經濟研究院蔣碩傑國際會議廳 (臺北市大安區長興街75號)
報名網址:http://seminar.cier.edu.tw/Regfrm.asp?id=20190131 (請點選,另開視窗)



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