



  2015年是東南亞國家協會(ASEAN,以下簡稱東協)推動區域經濟整合關鍵的一年,也將是東亞區域整合重要里程碑。東協最受矚目的兩大區域合作計畫,即東協十國組成的東協經濟共同體(ASEAN Economic Community, AEC),以及涵蓋東協與周圍計十六國的《區域全面經濟夥伴協定》(Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, RCEP),預計在2015年落實或完成談判。AEC和RCEP之確立,除將使東協內部的經濟合作更為深化外,也將使東協、東北亞(中國大陸、日本、韓國)、與南亞(印度)整合成為一個「以東協為核心」(ASEAN centered)、涵蓋全球最多人口的自由貿易區(FTA)。AEC和RCEP將促成亞太區域經濟版圖的重大調整,世界各國莫不積極思考AEC和RCEP成形後的應對策略,而臺灣身為東亞區域一份子,為拓展臺灣在國際上的經貿地位、避免於東亞區域被孤立,更必須思量應對之策。

  有鑑於此,本中心擬於2015年7月29日假本院蔣碩傑國際會議廳舉辦「東協經濟共同體(AEC)與《區域全面經濟夥伴協定》(RCEP)形成後之機會與挑戰」國際研討會,邀請我國與東協、東亞國家相關領域之學者、專家、企業領袖擔任講者,針對AEC和RCEP形成後對整個區域之機會與挑戰,提出報告並與與會大眾交流及討論。本次會議共有一場專題演講與三個討論場次,特邀請印尼前貿易部長,現任印尼Medco國際能源公司副總裁Muhammad LUTFI先生擔任專題演講人,主題為「AEC與RCEP之機會與挑戰:強化臺灣─東協經濟夥伴關係之意涵」。三個討論場次則將分別聚焦於三大議題,包括「AEC與RCEP之進展、機會與挑戰」、「東協對話夥伴國家對AEC及RCEP形成之因應作為」,以及「AEC與RCEP形成後對臺灣之影響與因應」,邀請新加坡、印尼、馬來西亞、韓國與國內相關學者專家發表相關研究與分析,期能加強我國各界對於當前東協整合之認識,並提供相關經驗與策略建議,供各界參考。

Taiwan ASEAN Study Center (TASC) of Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research (CIER), a leading non-profit research economic institute in Taiwan, is pleased to announce an upcoming International Conference on “the Establishment of the AEC and RCEP: Challenges, Opportunities, and Implications for Taiwan” to be held in Taipei on July 29th, 2015. This annual event is aimed to bring thoughts and reflections from scholars and experts from Taiwan and neighboring countries on the realization of the AEC, negotiations of the RCEP as well as Taiwan’s role in the accelerated economic integration in the region.

The creation and success of the ASEAN alerted many in Taiwan to a pressing need to integrate the knowledge and resources of domestic scholars, research institutes, and think tanks in order to enhance our understanding of Southeast Asia’s economies and cultures and, ultimately, to consider strategies to achieve further participation and cooperation of Taiwan in advantageous regional economic partnerships. It was in this spirit that the TASC was established in 2009. The Center has served as a primary platform for research and cooperative exchanges in the realms of Southeast Asia research, regional studies, international affairs, development issues, and non-traditional security.

This year will mark the formal establishment of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) and conclusion of Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). The realization of AEC by end-2015 will mark a major milestone in ASEAN’s efforts to create an integrated region of free movement of goods, services, investment and skilled labour. The achievement will be further acknowledged when negotiation of the RCEP completes by year-end, when the Southeast Asia and Northeast Asia will be integrated into an ASEAN-centered Free Trade Area (FTA). To respond to the opportunities and challenges of the AEC and RCEP, all economies in the region need to re-shape their regional strategy. Taiwan likewise should formulate an effective ASEAN policy. As such, TASC is organizing this international conference, hoping that scholars and experts from around the region can exchange viewpoints and experiences related to AEC and RCEP and provide advice on Taiwan’s future role in the integrated regional economy.

The TASC is honored to invite His Excellency Mr. Muhammad LUTFI, former Trade Minister of the Republic of Indonesia and currently the Vice Chairman of Medco Resources, as the keynote speaker on the topic of “Challenges and Opportunities of the AEC and RCEP: Implications for Enhanced Taiwan-ASEAN Economic Partnership.” Following that, three sessions are planned on AEC and RCEP: Progress, Opportunities, and Challenge, ASEAN Dialogue Partners’ Responses to the Realization of AEC and RCEP, and The Impacts of AEC and RCEP on Taiwan and Its Strategy.

時  間:2015年7月29日(星期三)09:00~17:00
地  點:中華經濟研究院蔣碩傑國際會議廳(臺北市大安區長興街75號)

Time:July 29, 2015
Venue:S.C. Tsiang Memorial Hall, Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research (75, Chang-Hsing Street, Taipei, Taiwan)
Supported by:Ministry of Foreign Affairs, R.O.C. (Taiwan)
Organized by:Taiwan ASEAN Studies Center, Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research (CIER), R.O.C. (Taiwan)




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