International Conference on the US-China Trade Conflicts and the Impacts on Southeast Asian Countries and Their Responses
日期與時間 |
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2019年12月5日(星期四) 13:30~17:15 |
地點 |
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台北國際會議中心201BC會議室(台北市信義路五段1號) |
主辦單位 |
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中華民國工商協進會、中華經濟研究院 |
Date &Time |
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13:30~17:15, December 5, 2019 (Thursday) |
Venue |
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Room 201BC, Taipei International Convention Center, 1 Hsin-Yi Road, Section 5, Taipei, Taiwan |
Organized by |
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The Chinese National Association of Industry and Commerce, Taiwan (CNAIC) & Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research (CIER), R.O.C. (Taiwan) |
暫定議程 Tentative Agenda
13:00~13:30 |
報到 Registration |
13:30~13:40 |
開幕致詞 Welcome Remarks
中華民國工商協進會林伯豐理事長 Por-Fong Lin, Chairman, The Chinese National Association of Industry and Commerce, Taiwan 經濟部國際貿易局長官(洽邀中) Government Official, Bureau of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan (tbc) |
13:40~15:40 (每位講者40 分鐘) (Each speaker has 40 minutes to present) |
專題報告:美中貿易衝突對東南亞國家的影響與各國因應對策 Presentations: The US-China Trade Conflicts and the Impacts on Southeast Asian Countries and Their Responses
主持人:中華民國工商協進會范良棟秘書長 Moderator: Liang-Tung Fan, Secretary General, The Chinese National Association of Industry and Commerce, Taiwan
講者:新加坡國際事務研究院Hank Lim資深研究員 Speaker: Hank Lim, Senior Research Fellow, Singapore Institute of International Affairs, Singapore
講者:馬來西亞經濟研究院Shankaran Nambiar資深研究員兼主任 Speaker: Dr. Shankaran Nambiar, Head of Research, Malaysian Institute of Economic Research, Malaysia
講者:越南中央經濟管理研究院經濟政策與整合研究所阮英揚所長 Speaker: Nguyen Anh Duong, Director, Department for Macroeconomic Policy and Integration Studies, Central Institute for Economic Management, Vietnam |
15:40~16:00 |
休息 Coffee break |
16:00~17:10 |
綜合座談 Panel Discussion
主持人:中華經濟研究院台灣東協研究中心主任徐遵慈 Moderator: Kristy Hsu, Director, Taiwan ASEAN Studies Center, Chung Hua Institute of Economic Research, Taiwan
與談人:永豐銀行陳松興資深副總經理 Discussant: Chung-Hsing Chen, Senior Executive Vice President, Bank SinoPac, Taiwan
與談人:建大集團楊銀明總裁 Discussant: Ying-Ming Yang, Group Chairman, Kenda Group, Taiwan
與談人:新加坡國際事務研究院Hank Lim資深研究員 Discussant: Hank Lim, Senior Research Fellow, Singapore Institute of International Affairs, Singapore
與談人:馬來西亞經濟研究院Shankaran Nambiar資深研究員兼主任 Speaker: Dr. Shankaran Nambiar, Head of Research, Malaysian Institute of Economic Research, Malaysia
與談人:越南中央經濟管理研究院經濟政策與整合研究所阮英揚所長 Discussant: Nguyen Anh Duong, Director, Department for Macroeconomic Policy and Integration Studies, Central Institute for Economic Management, Vietnam
17:10~17:15 |
閉幕致詞 Closing Remarks 中華民國工商協進會范良棟秘書長 Liang-Tung Fan, Secretary General, The Chinese National Association of Industry and Commerce, Taiwan |
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