The Center for Economic Forecasting

Guiding principles

CIER established the Center for Economic Forecasting in September 1992, with the aim of developing and utilizing quantitative models and statistical indicators for economic forecasting and forward-looking analysis of the potential impact of political and economic developments (both domestic and international) on Taiwan's economy, to serve as a reference for the evaluation of policy implementation and risk monitoring.

Research focus and objectives

In accordance with the goal of establishing CIER as an independent, unbiased and authoritative source of domestic and international economic forecasting, the Center conducts ongoing business surveys, economic forecasts and research in relation to domestic and regional economic trends, and publishes the results.

The Center's research focuses on three main areas:

(1) Forward-looking analysis of short-, medium- and long-term domestic and international economic trends, and of their potential impact on Taiwan.

(2) Quantitative appraisal of the cost-effectiveness of specific economic, industrial, technology and trade policies. Besides serving as a basis for discussion and a reference for government policy formulation, the quantitative appraisal methods also serve as a reference for relevant agencies to measure their own performance or engage in early-warning analysis.

(3) In response to the external risks posed by globalization and regional economic integration, the Center uses a wide range of quantitative and statistical techniques and indicators to help the government monitor potential external industrial and economic risks and formulate effective response strategies as early as possible.


Name Position Education Research Field
Peng, Su-Ling Research Fellow,Director  Ph. D. National Cheng-Chi University, R.O.C.
Economic Forecasting and Business Cycle Economic Development Industrial Economics
Yang, Chin-Wen Assistant Research Fellow,Deputy Director Ph.D. in Industrial Economics, National Central University, Taiwan
Climate change and environmental economics Energy and resource economics
Wang, Jiann-Chyuan Vice President Ph.D. in Economics, Purdue University, U.S.A.
Industrial Economics Industrial Policy Economic Development
Chen, Shin-Horng Vice President Ph.D. University of Newcastle, U.K.
Technology Management Economics of Information & Communications Technologies
Wang, Lee-Rong Research Fellow Ph. D. of Economics, Washington University, U.S.A.
International Finance Finance Futures Markets Macroeconomics
Lien, Wen-Jung Research Fellow M.A. Soochow University, R.O.C
International trade & investment Economic forecasts
Wu, Ming-Tse Associate Research Fellow Ph.D. (Economics) National Taiwan University
Economic Development of China Industrial Economic Reform of State-owned Business and Banks
Hsu, Kristy Tsun Tzu Associate Research Fellow L.L.M, Soochow University, Taiwan
International Organizations International Trade Law Dispute Settlement Gender and Development Issues
TSAI, WEN-HSIN Assistant Research Fellow Ph.D., National Taiwan University, R.O.C (Taiwan)
Financial Risk Corporate Social Responsibility Machine Learning Economic Forecasting
Lu, Hui-Min Senior Analyst Kyoto University Graduate School of Economics, Doctoral Candidate in Economic Research
Information economics Econometrics Japan economy

Contact Infomation

Tel:(8862)2735-6006 ext.425 ; Fax:(8862)2739-0590