2020-2021 Recycling Industry Value Analysis and Bilingual Documents Establishment Project
No.: PR2343
Author: Wen, Lih-Chyi
Price: Not for Sale
Publication: 2021.12
Taiwan has implemented recycling for more than 20 years. It not only creates outstanding recycling rate but brings out significant economic and environmental benefits.
In order to understand the recycling results in Taiwan, this study aims to analyze the recycling industry value, recycling fund benefits and occupational patterns.
1. In economic aspect, this project separately evaluates the economic impact driven by the expenditure of the recycling fund and the output value of the resource recycling industry:
(1) The economic impact driven by the expenditure of the recycling fund: the total expenditures of the 2019 and 2020 recycling fund are 7.84 and 8.40 billion dollars respectively. Through the input-output (IO) model, it is estimated that the output value and creation effect for the economy are 21.48 and 23.00 billion dollars respectively. It contributes 11.80 and 12.64 billion dollars to the GDP. In simple term, for every dollar of the recycling fund expends, the economy output value increases by 2.74 dollars.
(2) The output value of the resource recycling industry: By dividing the resource recycling value chain into recycling market, processing market, and recycling manufacturing market. The output value of these markets is empirically evaluated and obtained: when the recycled materials contained in the product come from projects managed by the recycling fund, the annual output value of Taiwan's resource recycling industry in 2020 was about 39.3 billion ntd.
2. In environmental aspect, the environmental benefit of recycling in 2019 is 114.8 billion dollars (estimated to be from 6.7 to 114.8 billion dollars). In 2020 is 120 billion dollars (estimated to be from 7 to 120 billion dollars).
3. For recycling practitioners, this study collects international trend of green jobs and policies. This study analyzes current recycling labor condition in Taiwan as well as the possible ways to promote professional skills and images through survey.
Furthermore, in order to demonstrate RFMB recycling activities and performance as well as effectively communicate our system and approach to foreigners, this project published the Recycling Fund Management Board 2019 and 2020 Annual Report in both Chinese and English edition. Also, this project established translation framework of recycling regulations and translates eighteen policies and regulations into English to improve international visibility. The project also held four English workshops to introduce the relativity between SDGs and recycling in Taiwan which promoted international communication.