
Water Industry Development and Promotion Project 

No.: PR2409

Author: Hung, Chih-Ming

Price: Not for Sale

Publication: 2021.12


The international community has regarded the new water development and the smart water solution as critical development trends. The Water Resources Agency (WRA) takes the reclaimed water and the smart water industries as the critical promotion targets in the water industry. The ultimate goal of the project is to improve Taiwan's water industry competitiveness. It follows three main tasks: developing three years' strategic development plans for water industries, analyzing the economic performance of firms in the water industry, and recommending the qualified exporting firms and exporting markets. 

The project has fulfilled the tasks as follows. Firstly, analyzing international water development trends and water industry policies, summarizing the current Taiwan government's resources for the water industry development. Secondly, performing industry analysis for the reclaimed water and the smart water industries. Thirdly, submitting three years' strategic development plans for water industries, five pillars are proposed: enhancing technology competence, expanding domestic water market, strengthening international market exploration, valuing publicprivate partnerships, and institution rearrangement. Fourthly, the project estimates Taiwan's water market value will reach NT$ 140 billion in 2023. Lastly, the Southeast Asian countries are recommended for Taiwan's firms to explore because of their needs in the primary water infrastructure and wastewater treatment products and services. Taiwan firms are good at delivering these goods and services at affordable prices without compromising qualities.