An Analysis of International Information of Energy Service Company (ESCO) Industry
No.: PR2158
Author: Yeh, Chang-Chen
Price: Not for Sale
Publication: 2019.11
According to the report of the International Energy Agency (IEA) in 2018, the global market of energy-efficient investment was increasing from 2014 to 2017 significantly. It highlights the trend of rising demand from the energy efficiency and carbon reduction as well as its promotion in the global energy efficiency market. In 2017, the growth rate of global ESCO market output was about 8% to 28.6 billion US dollars and became the crucial employment market. However, the current developmental statuses of the ESCO industry in various countries are in diference. There is still certain development potential for many emerging markets, especially thoses Tawian’s familiar markets in the Asia-Pacific. These countries’ policy dierctions of energy efficiency and industry are worthy of Taiwan’s further analyses and that might help Taiwan to catch business opportunities timely. During recent years, for responsing the trend of global climate change and sustainable development, as well as Taiwan's needs for promoting strategies of energy transformation, Taiwan’s government introduces resources from the private sector actively to promote the development of ESCO Industry, and hopes to achieve the policy goal of reducing the use of fossil fuel by enhancing the energy efficiency. However, Taiwan’s ESCO industry is mostly composed of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). After few years development with the active cooperation between the government and private sector, the industrial development environment becomes more mature gradually and grows stably, although there are still some limitations for Taiwan’s SMEs in the ESCO industry to expand the international market, such as lacks of project capacity, overseas market information, channels and financing capabilities.
Accordingly, this project mainly focuses on three major themes which could assist the development and export of Taiwan’s ESCO industry: (i) the stocktaking of international ESCO industry information: (ii) to offer the important information of overseas ESCO market; and (iii) to study different overseas financing approaches of ESCO industry. In order to fulfill major tasks as above, firstly, this project compares and analyzes market situation, ESCO promoting policies and their effects in Czech Republic, Portugal, and the United States, and tries to offer Taiwan’s ESCO promoting strategies; secondly, for offering the important information of overseas ESCO market, this project collects and analyzes the import regulations of ESCO industry, energy efficiency policies, and market information in the Malaysia and Australia and evaluate the feasibility of Taiwan’s ESCO export to counstries as above; and collects important information of overseas ESCO market; finally, this project analyzes different overseas financing approaches,and channels as well as financing resources from the government, and provides industrial export finance suggestions according to the results of project investigation.