
Labor Data analysis and questionnaire survey in Machinery Manufacturing 

No.: PR2141

Author: Chien, Yu-Ning

Price: Not for Sale

Publication: 2019.12


Taiwan’s occupational disease identification cases have increased year by year with raising public awareness of labor rights. However, occupational diseases have a long incubation period and it is not easy to rule out personal factors. Therefore, it is difficult to identify or prove the disease which was caused by work occupations. In the past, literatures on occupational diseases in the machinery and equipment manufacturing industry were mostly limited to case studies, small sample collections, or cross-sectional investigations of individual diseases or occupational disasters, and lacked comprehensive disease risk review studies. There is a lack of research conducted through population-base longitudinal data. Therefore, this study will connect two major population-base datasets in our country: the Labor Insurance Database (LID) and the National Health Insurance Research Database (NHIRD), to build a long-term tracking data file (2007-2017) of both the employed labor industry and medical information. Through big data analysis, we analyzes the risk of occupational injury and occupational disease that may occur when workers are exposed to specific industries. We also respectively used the labor of entire industry and the financial industry as a control group to examine whether the declarations of occupational injuries and diseases by mechanical workers were significantly higher than the national level. In addition, because NHIRD only provides medical-related information, but personal living habits, work pressure, psychological burden, and environmental exposure and other variables are relatively scarce, we have also launched a cross-sectional questionnaire survey. 

 The research recommendations include: 1. According to the research results, “clamped or rolled”, “stabbed, cut, or abrased” are high-risk occupational injuries in the machinery industry. Although the occupational diseases of “arm, shoulder and neck diseases” and “Occupational lower back pain " does not significant higher than the national average level, but these two are still most common occupational diseases of mechanical workers which record in the Labor Insurance Database (LID). Therefore, it is recommended that government should enforce advocacy of safety and health education for workers in the machinery industry, and strengthen workers' awareness of the prevention of occupational injuries and diseases. 2. Since there is lack the variable of labor’s job title in the Labor Insurance Database (LID), physicians will not be easily to trace labor’s exposure periods. It is recommended to add a job title column to the Labor Insurance Database (LID) as an important reference for physicians to assess labor occupational diseases