
An Analysis of International Information of Energy Services Company (ESCO) Industry (2017) 

No.: PR1923

Author: Chang-chen Yeh

Price: Not for Sale

Publication: 2017.11


In 2016, after the Brexit Vote and the US presidential election, the new wave of anti-globalization in the world did cause several directly impact on international trade and industrial development in different countries. Furthermore, “Paris Agreement,” adopted by United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21) in December 2015 was officially launched on November 4, 2016. It will promote the global efforts to achieve the long-term goals of energy conservation and carbon reduction. Meanwhile, for responding the change of global political and economic situation as well as the trend of sustainable development, Taiwan also promulgated related measures and laws to promote an enabling environment for the development of ESCO industry, including: 

(i) Taiwan promulgated the “Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act” on July 1, 2015; and in order to transfer national energy structure, the Executive Yuan also promulgated the goal to let Taiwan become a “nuclear-free country by 2025”; 

(ii) the amendment of “Electricity Act” had approved by the Legislative Yuan on January 11, 2017, and confirmed the approach of “green power first” to reform Taiwan’s electricity industry. 

 According to the above research background, this project mainly focuses on two major themes: 

(i) the study of international ESCO industry, (ii) the maintenance of Taiwan’s ESCO export exchange network; and four research tasks are as follows: (i) to study developmental strategies of foreign ESCO industries, 

(ii) to evaluate Taiwan’s ESCO industrial export capability, 

(iii) to collect vital export information for Taiwan’s ESCO industry, and (iv) to study ESCO overseas industrial finance. 

 In order to fulfill four major tasks as above, first, this project compares and analyzes market situation, ESCO promoting policies and their effects in USA, Japan, and Swiss, and tries to draft Taiwan’s ESCO promoting strategies; secondly, due to the potential export value for Taiwan’s ESCO companies, this project collects and analyzes ESCO import regulations, energy efficiency policies, and market information in Thailand and Indonesia; thirdly, this project collects information of the ESCO regulations and ESCO business environment in Philippine, Vietnam, and Singapore; finally, this project analyze several finance resources, which provide by the government, commercial banks and international energy efficiency investment funds, and provides certain industrial export finance suggestions according to the results of project investigation.