
A Study on the Impact of Informationization on Female Employment in the Service Industry in Taipei 

No.: PR1932

Author: Ping-Lung Hsin

Price: Not for Sale

Publication: 2017.11


The application of information and communications technology (ICT) in the service industry not only breaks the traditional business model, increases innovative ways of services, improves service processes and performance, but also influences the requirment of of labor skills. In addition, ICT creates the flexibility of working places and working hours, and let new forms of employment become feasible, such as remote work, home-based work, and home-based entrepreneurship. These changes also influence women employment and entrepreneurship. Therefore, for further discussion of future policies and research, we need to study the impact of ICT on the employment of women in Taipei and focus on those service industries with a high proportion of female workers. As services are covered by a wide range of industries, in order to consider the diversity of industries and to have a deeper discussion, our study focuses on the five specific industries: wholesale and retail, finance and insurance, accomodation and food service, professional, scientific and technical, and human health and social work industry. Through literature review, secondary data analysis, questionnaires and focus forums, we analyze the impact of informationization on female employment in service industry in Taipei. The conclusions and policy recommendations are in the following. 

 I. Conclusions 

 1.The impact of informationalization on female employment is still limited now, and the impacts varies with the industries. 

 2.Both women working and job seekers are worried about the future. 

 3.Digital competences are the key factors for women to adapt to the trend of digitalization. 

 4.There is a considerable proportion of those who are unwilling to engage in the work of using digital tools because of their non-preference for applying ICT tools. 

 5.The development of ICT derives many emerging employment patterns and provides diverse choices for women. 

 6.Most countries and international organizations are actively concerned about the impact of digitalization and intellectualization on the labor market. 

 II. Policy Recommendations 

A.Immediately feasible policy recommendations 

1.Let people recognize the potential impact of digitization and intellectualization on the job market with the means of advocacy, interactive platform communication and so on. 

2.Provide guidance and training courses to the industry which female workers are worried about being replaced by the machines first. 

3.Establish a friendly environment for women to learn digital tools. 

4.Design tailored lessons for female workers with the considerration of women’s need. 5.In case of job matching, provide more information on job vacancies to job seekers, and assist and guide those who feel stressful as using digital tools. 6.Encourage business to help employees to transform and improve themselves. 

B.Mid-term and long-term policy recommendations 

1.Labor laws need to be reviewed and adjusted in response to emerging work patterns due to digitization. 

2.Concerning the advance of industrial informationization, intellectualization and digitization, relevant work packages about job security for labors should be provided.